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Steve Stevens

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Steve Stevens 3 Posts (3 )
5 month(s) 25 day(s) ago

"They’re in the top 10 versus the rush despite missing multiple linebackers, so they should be able to handle Derrick Henry."

Just a bit outside...

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Steve Stevens 3 Posts (3 )
1 years 5 month(s) ago

I've always wondered what the football equivalent would be to having a large stack of chips on the table, playing blackjack when you double down on an 11 with the dealer showing 6, then drawing a 9 (yeah 20!) and the dealer subsequently flipping the down card (to reveal a 5 of course) and then drawing a face card.

Well, taking the points on a +3.5 spread and looking good down by 2 with seconds left on the clock, only to have the qb of the underdog take a safety due to his lack of awareness and the criticality of the moment and the game ends a 4 pt loss.

"Dealer shows 21". 

"Safety?  Are you kidding me?"

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Steve Stevens 3 Posts (3 )
1 years 5 month(s) ago

I've always wondered what the football equivalent to having a  large stack of chips on a blackjack table would be, doubling down on an 11 with the dealer showing 6, drawing a 9 and the dealer flipping the down card to reveal a 5 and then drawing a face card.

Well, taking the points on a +3.5 spread and being down by 2 with seconds left on the clock, only to have the qb of the underdog take a safety due to his lack of awareness of his surroundings and cost you the bet.

"Dealer shows 21".

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Steve Stevens 3 Posts (3 )
1 years 5 month(s) ago
Interesting that a couple of chapters in Billy Walters recent book (Gambler: Secrets from a Life at Risk) notes concepts and strategies Walter has been championing for years.  If you have a chance to read Walters' new book but don't want to learn about his life, head over to Indigo and skip straight to chapters 21 and especially 22.  You'll be surprised what Walters talks about and how it lines up with Walt's methods and analysis.
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